Tuesday, May 7, 2013

We Have Cabinets! - Day 33

Not only do we have cabinets, we have BEAUTIFUL cabinets!  Still some more to install but the majority of them were put up today.  We also have doors on the closet and bathroom.  Not that there is a need for a door on the bathroom right now since there is no toilet, but we will need it eventually so better to have it, especially since the bathroom is right inside the front door now!  They also installed wiring for the ever important TV and the other miscellaneous electronics before the fireplace wall is put in place.  Lance also insulated behind the fire box so NO cold air will get through this winter.  Guess this means I don't have to find a blanket to put in front of it this year!  He also prepped the stairway wall for paint.  We are moving right along!!

Here are today's EXCITING pictures!

The kitchen view from the eating area.

The first cabinet (from the left) is for the refrigerator, the second is the pantry (not sure if I will ever fill this up!) and the upper cabinet will have a glass door to show off the crystal that belonged to my mom and Tim's grandma.  (Yes, we do use that crystal, be it one time a year!) 

View from the family room.

LOVE, the pull out shelves!
No need to sit on the floor to look for things anymore!

Surprise!  I didn't know I got one of those!

More glorious pull outs!

A closer view of the cabinet with glass door.

View from the front entry.

The back wall.  
I am so excited for drawers, we only had two drawers in the old kitchen!

The closet door.

The bathroom door.

This is the behind the scenes wiring above the fireplace.

Insulation to close any possible gaps!

They used spray foam first, then the bats of insulation.

This is a sideways view of the steps to the second floor, prepped for painting!

Lots of progress made today, more to come!

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