Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's a Good Day! - Day 48

The sun is shining (finally!!), the person in front of me in the drive up line at McDonalds paid for my coffee!  (should have ordered food too!).  My favorite plumber, Les, came and finished up the plumbing!  We can go potty on the main level!!!  YEAH!!  Oh, Les installed the dishwasher too, so I can do dishes!  This is not nearly as exciting as the toilet! If someone had told me I would EVER be this happy about a toilet I would have called them CRAZY!  The fireplace guys came and did the final hook up for that today.  The paper was removed from so the floors were unveiled and the vents were replaced!

Tomorrow the electrician should be here, HOPING the refrigerator and stove get delivered, and someone is coming to clean (this is a one time deal, darn!)

By this weekend we should be DONE (there may be a few minor things to finish!) and our furniture will be returned from storage!  The new furniture will be a while yet, but we will be able to live on the main level again!

Today's pictures:

The main level bathroom!
I did discover, you can sit on the toilet and look out the living room window!
Guess we better remember to close the door!

New dishwasher - still needs to be electrified, but then I can wash dishes.

Living room.

Kitchen/family room floor.
The fancy rug will get replaced!

Entry hall floor.
Hardware for the doors is coming!

Fireplace all put together.
The tile gets installed tomorrow.

A different view of the living room.

Eating area.

One more of the living room.

More tomorrow!

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