Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Countertops! - Day 44

I originally started this post in the afternoon and it was going to be titled "More Paint", but then what should appear, COUNTERTOPS!  So, not that paint isn't important, but countertops are more exciting, (personal opinion, of course!), the title was changed!  Not to leave out the painting, the woodwork was all painted today and it looks very nice!  Although I am not posting pictures, and it isn't really part of the remodel, they came and put more insulation in the attic and insulated the crawlspace!  We are going to be so nice and cozy we may never leave the house again!  So, it was a busy day around here!

View from the eating area.  
Yes, there will be a matching wood panel on the back of that cabinet!

The new kitchen sink, and of course the countertop.

The breakfast/snack bar.

A view of the kitchen from the corner of the breakfast/snack bar.

The little counter.

The view from the entry hall.

The painting of the woodwork is hard to show in pictures, so here are the doors!

Tomorrow they will finish up the painting and not sure what other surprises we have in store!

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