Thursday, May 23, 2013

More Paint - Day 45

Painting is just about done!  The only thing left to paint are the mutton bars for the bow window and the sliding glass door and to stain the hand rail going up the stairs.  The walls and trim are DONE!  Thanks to Gary and son!

The trim carpenters (Jim and Jake) will return tomorrow to finish their piece of this puzzle!

This weekend I will be filling the cupboards!

Since the first coat of paint was already on it is hard to tell the difference in the pictures, but...

A view of the eating area from the living room.

The living room

The entry hall/railing.  
Yes, spindles are coming!

The stair stringer, what an improvement!

A view of the bar from the entry hall.
The crown molding will not cover the entire drop, so we painted the part that will show the darkest gray.

Trying to show how nice the woodwork looks, but pictures don't do it justice!

The TV spot got painted today. 
Contrary to what some think, the TV will NOT take up the entire space!

Sliding glass door.
We will put the mutton bars back in now that we don't have dog noses to mess up the window!

A view from the family room.

More progress to come tomorrow!

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