Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Back on Track - Days 40-42

We had a little lull in activity for a couple of days, but now we are back on track!  The painter stained the fireplace and new railing.  The rest of the crown mold was delivered today so the trim carpenters can finish their work.  I think they will let the painter finish before we see their smiling faces again!

There will be two posts today (hopefully!), one to report yesterday's progress and one to show what is done today!  

Isn't it pretty?!
Although it will look a little different, the TV will go in the vacant space, and YES, we did go out last night and bought the TV!

New railing!
It will have wrought iron spindles, but they will NOT be white!

Hard to see, but trusty Lance caulked the trim yesterday!
Can't let that go unnoticed!

More of Lance's handiwork!
Ready for paint!

More to come!

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