Thursday, May 30, 2013

Almost DONE! - Day 49

Busy day around here!  Electricians spent the day doing their thing!  They will return tomorrow to finish up the TV and all of it's parts.  We now have lights (lots o' lights!), outlets (lots o' outlets!), doorbells (2),  and a microwave in the kitchen (we have had a microwave all along, just not in the kitchen!).  It will NOT be used to cook frozen meals for a LONG time!!! The fireplace tile was installed.  He will be back tomorrow to grout!  The railing on the stairs was put up, mutton bars were put in the windows, and the stove was delivered (and installed) - HOPING for a refrigerator tomorrow!

The remaining stuff in the garage was hauled away!  Sorry to say the mess that is left is all our doing!  Guess we know what our next project is!!!

The cleaning ladies (Kathy and Kathy) came and left this morning - clearly with all that was going on here, their work would be futile!  Brave souls that they are, they returned this afternoon (in the pouring rain!) to complete their task!

Today's pictures:

Hall lights.
Notice the white (not brown!) mutton bars!

Stove and microwave.
Notice the outlets - one on end of peninsula and three on the wall (more than we had in the entire kitchen before!)

Light fixture over the table.

Tile around the fireplace - still needs grout!

New railing.
Nice and sturdy and much prettier than the old one!

New outlets and switch - not additional, but new!

Not much more to go!!!

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