Friday, May 3, 2013

Let There Be Light! - Day 29

The electricians returned and we now have outlets, switches, and LIGHTS!  We have been without lights on the first floor since shortly after the start of the project.  Thankfully, the front porch light provided a little bit of light into the hallway so Tim hasn't fallen or tripped on anything when going to work in the dark!  They also installed the exhaust fan in the bathroom.

The flooring guys were also back today to finish the family room floor.  They will return once the trim work is done to install the transition strips between the wood and the tile.  It really looks nice, BUT, then the contractor's crew came and covered it up with paper!  I know this is to protect the floors while they are working, but it would have been nice to enjoy looking at it for a day or two!  

I know they aren't completely done making dust, but they are creating less and less!  So, since it was nasty outside (and it really was getting disgusting!) I dusted and vacuumed our bedroom, the upstairs hallway, and the basement (our living quarters!).  It is not perfect but it does look and feel a little cleaner!  There are no pictures of this!

Today's pictures:

Family room floor.
The cardboard is there to protect the floor, there really is a beautiful floor underneath!

Another view of the family room floor.

The living room floor (without stuff on it!).

Another view of the living room floor.
That is not a large mouse hole in the wall!  
That will get fixed this weekend!

Bathroom light and exhaust fan.

New outlet(s). 
All new on the first floor, aren't they pretty? 
The other ones were pretty grimy!  How do you clean an electrical outlet?!?!

Outlet and switch on right hand side of kitchen sink.
This switch operates the lights in the drop above the sink.

Outlet and switch on the left hand side of the sink.
This switch operates the garbage disposal.

These are the switches by the back door, not exactly sure what is what!
I know the first one is the timer for the outside lights, one is for the ceiling fan (which we never had before!), and not exactly sure what the other two do!  
I WILL figure this out!


Another view of lights!!

Tomorrow is prep for painting!

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