Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Three Ring Circus! - Day 27

There are literally three things going on at once today! The flooring guys were here first, followed by the fireplace guys, followed by the heating and air conditioning installers! They all seem to play well together! On top of all this, the kitchen cabinets are being delivered! That deserves a WOOHOO!!! I was planning on finding something to do away from the house, but Scott (contractor) is coming by. So rather than shop (which I MUST STOP doing on a daily basis once this project is done!) or working in the garden, I am writing the blog as the day unfolds! Besides, I am nursing a bit of a sunburn from working in the yard yesterday!

Progress was made on the kitchen floor!  It is not done yet, but they will finish tomorrow and it looks GOOD!  The air conditioner is installed and we are running it now to try to warm up the basement! (and MOSTLY because we can!)  This won't last long since cold weather is supposed to return.  Hope they get the furnace done tomorrow, it sounds like we may need it!  The fireplace is here, and the "hole" from the old hearth was covered and they broke out some more brick so the unit can be set back more into the existing firebox.  Hoping they return tomorrow to install!  (We may need the fireplace if the furnace isn't done!)

That sums up today's events!

Tomorrow we make final paint decisions and the plan is to paint (with color this time) on Friday!

We also, had a nice lunch with Scott outside at Governor's (good weather and good company!).

Today's pics!

The floor pictures look pretty much the same, just a few (well, many!) different views.
The kitchen, looking into the former dining room.

The entry from the kitchen.

The former dining room, from the living room.

The kitchen from the former dining room/living room doorway.

The new bathroom.

The new closet

The entry way from the front door.

The hallway between the new bathroom and closet.

New air conditioning unit.

Old air conditioning unit.
This was original to the house which was built in 1968.  
It still worked, but was not extremely efficient!
Supposedly it is so efficient that Mid-America will probably have to pay us!

There was approximately a 3-4 inch "hole" where the hearth rested on concrete.  
It had to be covered with wood for the flooring and for the fireplace to sit.  
They removed some of the bricks/blocks so the fireplace could be placed slightly inside the current firebox.

Sneak Peek!
Fireplace setting in place.

Kitchen cabinets!  
Just waiting to be installed!

1 comment:

  1. Holy sha-moly!! You guys have had a busy day!! I really like those big tiles, AND the air conditioner! :)
