Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Let the Construction Begin!

After eight trips to GoodWill, one trip to Habitat Restore, one pick up by the Salvation Army and the final bulk pick up day before construction begins we have de-cluttered as much as we are going to!  Truth be known we probably could get rid of much more!  We will tackle that as we unpack!

Bulk pickup pile!  Not as bad as some I've seen!  Although there were some last minute additions in the morning!!

The rest of the "stuff" we decided we couldn't live without is in the guest room!  

And since it doesn't appear that spring is coming to Iowa this year, the plants needed an indoor sanctuary, so AJ's room is the designated greenhouse!

Our main living quarters for the next eight weeks or so is in the basement!  Our food, dishes, (mostly disposable products (sorry, mother earth!)) and coffee (vital to our sanity!) all have homes in storage bins in the basement.  Microwave will move down, and they tell me they will plug the stove in somewhere, probably the garage.  I don't mean to complain about the weather again, but it appears that I will be cooking while wearing a parka!  On the bright side we will be getting exercise since the closest working bathroom will be up two flights of stairs!  

Let the construction begin!!!

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