Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 4 - End of First Week!

Demolition is done, except for the fireplace!  They even started rebuilding today!  They framed the walls for the new bathroom, built the header between the entry hall and the kitchen so they could remove the old support, and readied the area where the plumbing is moving so the plumber can get to work on that on Monday.

Below are a few pictures of today's progress!

New entry hall.
New bathroom wall is on the left.   
The inside of the old closet/pantry become the wall on the right side of the hall.
The breakfast/snack bar will be where the wood/metal pipe is in this picture.

New bathroom - they angled the corner coming from the living room into the hall.
You can see where the old hall was by the color of the foor.

Entrance from hall to kitchen - you can see the new header.

Entry Hall - a view from the kitchen.

Back wall - they insulated the wall pocket and put dry wall up protect the plumbing that will go here.  The plumbing will be enclosed with drywall and will be a "bump out" at the end of the breakfast/snack bar.  There will be a matching "bump out" on the other side of the window for the duct work.

New Bathroom - view from the kitchen.

Next week the plumber, heat/cooling person, and electrician begin their work!

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