Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 2

Second day of demolition - looks like there is at least one more day of demolition to go!

Entry Hall
Closet wall inside the front door still up.
Living room wall toward the kitchen was removed.

Living Room
Still a storage area, but alot was taken to the dumpster.

Living Room
Short wall toward kitchen was removed.
The wall between the closet and the pantry was removed.

Dining Room
Wall between kitchen and dining room was removed.

Looking from the dining room.
Walls, ceiling and floors removed.

Another view.

Ceiling view.

Another ceiling view - ceiling still in dining room.

Soffit and floor was removed.  

Another view.

Family Room
Nothing done in here today!
Discussed fireplace, no final plan yet, but take a good look at the brick, because it is going away.

Family Room
View from family room through hall, kitchen to dining room wall on the other end of the house!
A peep hole to the open concept!

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