Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The furniture came today!  And by furniture I mean, furniture, rugs, lamps, and other decor items!  Now all we need are window coverings!

Here are some pictures!  Most require no explanation, but I did add a few comments!

Tim's favorite!

Rugs were rolled so the Isabels are holding rug corners down to flatten them!

Entry has a little spice!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Our remodel project is done!  We LOVE the way it turned out and we can't say enough good things about the people the helped us complete this project!  Scott was the only contractor that thought moving the bathroom would work and Les made moving the plumbing look ALMOST easy!  Lance was here just about everyday (he is practically family now!) and put up with our many questions and general quirkiness!  Everyone we had working at our home were skilled craftsmen who took pride in their work!  They were also VERY pleasant to work with and put up with my coming and going all day long!  I would list them all, but would surely leave someone out and don't want to do that!

I posted a few final pictures of the new entry doors!

Front door - isn't it pretty?

Back door into family room

Service door to garage.

THANK YOU to all who made this possible!!!

Now just need furniture!  And window coverings!  It NEVER ends!!!! 

Saturday, June 15, 2013


All the kids were home this weekend (at least for part of it!) so we got to ENJOY our new kitchen!!!

Here are a few pictures!

Breakfast at the breakfast bar with Courtney, AJ and Tim!

More breakfast at the breakfast bar with Courtney, AJ and Eric!

Eloise is enjoying all the room!

This sums it up!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Catching Up! - Day 57

It's been a few days since I updated the blog, so today is catch up day!  I have a good excuse, I was celebrating Eloise and Courtney's birthdays (mostly Eloise!) in Tennessee!  While I was away the new railing was finished!  It is MUCH better than the white wrought iron one!  The glass shelves arrived and were put in the cabinet in the kitchen, and the entry doors are being painted!  Today Gary the painter came and did a little touch up.  So we are down to installing the entry doors!  I got a call from Scott on my way home yesterday and it sounds like everything will be completely done this week!

Although I have been moving things back where they belong, I still have quite a bit of unpacking to do!  And yes, even though we made many trips to Goodwill, there is still some stuff that has to go!  Thinking of one last garage sale!  I know I said that a few years ago, when Gail and I decided that we would just sit in the driveway for two days and bond rather than go to the work of a garage sale!  I am under a bit of pressure to get things done since the TN kids are coming home this weekend and need a place to sleep!  Now, if only the family room furniture would arrive so we would have places for everyone to sit!!!

Today's pictures:

The new railing.
Quite an improvement!

The glass shelves and vintage crystal!

Not many more blog days left!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Refrigerator - Day 52

First of all, I must apologize to Lance!  There were a couple of finishing touches he did yesterday that I discovered this morning!  He put the corner mold on the kitchen cabinet and put door stops on for the bathroom door and the front door!

Today the big news is that the refrigerator came!  The kitchen appliances are now complete!  Lance did a little more work on the wall by the family room switches (he does it right!!), and he worked on preparing the entry doors.

Just a few things left!

Today (and yesterdays!) pictures:

Corner trim on the cabinet.

Door stop for front door.

Door stop in bathroom.


I like the looks of the cabinet depth refrigerator!

Not sure what tomorrow will bring!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Finishing Touches! - Day 51

We're getting closer!  Today Lance put up the glass shelves by the fireplace, installed the door handles, hung the bathroom mirror, and did a little patching of plaster by the family room light switches (the switch plate wasn't quite big enough to cover little bits of the opening!).

Tomorrow Lance will return to work on the entry doors and we get our refrigerator!

Here are today's pictures!

A close up view of the glass shelves.

The full affect!  (affect/effect?!?! - always a problem for me!)

Door handles!
Scott, I will call you the first time we get our clothes caught on them so you can tell me "I told you so!

A little repair work!

The bathroom mirror - couldn't get rid of the crazy lady in the picture!

Not done today, but we have the living room (minus the area rug!) put back together!
Oh, still need window coverings too, next project!

Another view!
Still need to put stuff up on the walls too!

More tomorrow!

Friday, May 31, 2013

99.9% Done! - Day 50

Another productive day!  The electricians spent another half a day with us and finished up their work!  Now we can watch TV in the family room!  The fireplace tile was grouted and it looks great!  In a couple of weeks we can seal it and it will highlight the colors (yes, there is a little color in it!).  The final pieces of hardware for the file cabinets, the shelf for the top of the pantry cabinet, and the rod/shelf for the closet also came today.  We even got our furniture out of storage so we are getting back to normal!  We will spend the weekend getting settled in!

There is still a little do to but it won't be long now!

Only a few pictures today!

TV is in place and working!
The tile is all grouted, and the handles are on the drawers!

New closet rod and shelf.

The shelf in the upper part of the pantry.

Looking forward to a busy weekend of unpacking boxes!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Almost DONE! - Day 49

Busy day around here!  Electricians spent the day doing their thing!  They will return tomorrow to finish up the TV and all of it's parts.  We now have lights (lots o' lights!), outlets (lots o' outlets!), doorbells (2),  and a microwave in the kitchen (we have had a microwave all along, just not in the kitchen!).  It will NOT be used to cook frozen meals for a LONG time!!! The fireplace tile was installed.  He will be back tomorrow to grout!  The railing on the stairs was put up, mutton bars were put in the windows, and the stove was delivered (and installed) - HOPING for a refrigerator tomorrow!

The remaining stuff in the garage was hauled away!  Sorry to say the mess that is left is all our doing!  Guess we know what our next project is!!!

The cleaning ladies (Kathy and Kathy) came and left this morning - clearly with all that was going on here, their work would be futile!  Brave souls that they are, they returned this afternoon (in the pouring rain!) to complete their task!

Today's pictures:

Hall lights.
Notice the white (not brown!) mutton bars!

Stove and microwave.
Notice the outlets - one on end of peninsula and three on the wall (more than we had in the entire kitchen before!)

Light fixture over the table.

Tile around the fireplace - still needs grout!

New railing.
Nice and sturdy and much prettier than the old one!

New outlets and switch - not additional, but new!

Not much more to go!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's a Good Day! - Day 48

The sun is shining (finally!!), the person in front of me in the drive up line at McDonalds paid for my coffee!  (should have ordered food too!).  My favorite plumber, Les, came and finished up the plumbing!  We can go potty on the main level!!!  YEAH!!  Oh, Les installed the dishwasher too, so I can do dishes!  This is not nearly as exciting as the toilet! If someone had told me I would EVER be this happy about a toilet I would have called them CRAZY!  The fireplace guys came and did the final hook up for that today.  The paper was removed from so the floors were unveiled and the vents were replaced!

Tomorrow the electrician should be here, HOPING the refrigerator and stove get delivered, and someone is coming to clean (this is a one time deal, darn!)

By this weekend we should be DONE (there may be a few minor things to finish!) and our furniture will be returned from storage!  The new furniture will be a while yet, but we will be able to live on the main level again!

Today's pictures:

The main level bathroom!
I did discover, you can sit on the toilet and look out the living room window!
Guess we better remember to close the door!

New dishwasher - still needs to be electrified, but then I can wash dishes.

Living room.

Kitchen/family room floor.
The fancy rug will get replaced!

Entry hall floor.
Hardware for the doors is coming!

Fireplace all put together.
The tile gets installed tomorrow.

A different view of the living room.

Eating area.

One more of the living room.

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Slow Start to the Week - Day 47

Not too much happened today!  Railing pieces and mutton bars for the front window and sliding glass door were picked up to be painted or stained (stain for railing, paint for mutton bars!).  The plumber brought the toilet for the main level and he will return tomorrow to install it!  This could be our last night of having to go upstairs to go potty!!!!  Plans were made for the installation of the tile around the fireplace - that will be done on Thursday and Friday.

No new pictures today, but hopefully some tomorrow!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Progress - Day 46

Today we had several different craftsmen here!  The trim carpenters returned and finished the fireplace, the molding on the drop ceiling over the bar and the skins on the back of the cabinet by the eating area and the refrigerator along with several other items!  The plumber installed the kitchen faucet and the garbage disposal so now we have access to water on the main level!  The flooring installers returned to install the transition pieces where the tile and the hardwood meet.  Scott brought the microwave and dishwasher so they can be installed next week.  The dust is ALMOST done so I have started filling cupboards!

Today's pictures:

The skin on the back of the cabinet was installed.

Skin on the side of the cabinet next to the refrigerator.

Crown mold on the drop over the bar.

Another view of the crown mold on the drop over the bar.

And a different view!

The trim at the top of the shelf areas was finished.

Hand rail for stairway was put together, now just needs to be stained.

As soon as the railing is done it can be installed!

They put on the handles for the bathroom vanity.

Getting ready for the spindles!

Trim piece under the bar top.  

It goes all the way around!

Kitchen faucet.

Garbage disposal - isn't it lovely?!?

Trim at top of basement stairs.
This matches the rest of the hardware!

Floor transition from family room to kitchen.

Floor transition from hallway to living room.

And last but not least the transition from the living room to the eating area of the kitchen.

Next week - nearing the end!