Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Catching Up! - Day 57

It's been a few days since I updated the blog, so today is catch up day!  I have a good excuse, I was celebrating Eloise and Courtney's birthdays (mostly Eloise!) in Tennessee!  While I was away the new railing was finished!  It is MUCH better than the white wrought iron one!  The glass shelves arrived and were put in the cabinet in the kitchen, and the entry doors are being painted!  Today Gary the painter came and did a little touch up.  So we are down to installing the entry doors!  I got a call from Scott on my way home yesterday and it sounds like everything will be completely done this week!

Although I have been moving things back where they belong, I still have quite a bit of unpacking to do!  And yes, even though we made many trips to Goodwill, there is still some stuff that has to go!  Thinking of one last garage sale!  I know I said that a few years ago, when Gail and I decided that we would just sit in the driveway for two days and bond rather than go to the work of a garage sale!  I am under a bit of pressure to get things done since the TN kids are coming home this weekend and need a place to sleep!  Now, if only the family room furniture would arrive so we would have places for everyone to sit!!!

Today's pictures:

The new railing.
Quite an improvement!

The glass shelves and vintage crystal!

Not many more blog days left!

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