Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More Plumbing - Day 7

The plumber was the key player again today!  He made progress today, but will be back again tomorrow!  Our contractor and kitchen designer were also here today.  They measured and marked where cabinets will go so the cabinet order can go in by tomorrow!  The cabinets take two weeks to arrive so there is much to be done so they can be installed when they arrive!

Today's pictures are below!

Rerouting plumbing in the kitchen wall.  
In process of removing old vent pipe.

More rerouting plumbing in the kitchen wall.  
In process of removing old vent pipe.

Plumbing for old bathroom sink was removed.

Starting to install the new sewer stack.

A different view of the new sewer stack.

Vent pipe for new bathroom.

Another view of the vent pipe for the new bathroom.

The new bathroom.
Pipe for sink and the new toilet flange.

Plumbing for where old sink was.
Partially removed.

Markings on the floor for kitchen cabinets.

More to come!!

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