Monday, April 29, 2013

Dry Wall Process - Done! - Day 25

The ceilings are plastered (not sure if that is the correct term!) and walls and ceiling are painted! It's a good thing it was a beautiful, sunny day with a temperatures in the upper 70's, since we need to keep the windows open as long as possible.  This will help everything dry and also reduce the paint smell (which by the way, I kind of like!)  The ceilings look great!

See what you think after you see today's pictures:

View from family room.
Very white!  The walls will change color, but we're not sure what color they will be yet.
The ceilings will remain white.

View from former dining room.

North wall of the kitchen.
Also, a little closer look at the ceiling.

The drop ceiling over the kitchen sink and breakfast/snack bar.
This picture provides a better look of the ceiling.

Up close and personal with the ceiling!

They start on the floors tomorrow!

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