Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Floor Prep - Day 26

Not much news today.  Lance did a little cleanup, but that's about it for today.  The floor installers came and prepped the floor for installation tomorrow!

I neglected to show the work done outside while waiting for the ceiling and painting to be done yesterday.  Tim got a load of dirt and we filled next to the sidewalk that was put in last fall!

Now we have to plant some grass!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Dry Wall Process - Done! - Day 25

The ceilings are plastered (not sure if that is the correct term!) and walls and ceiling are painted! It's a good thing it was a beautiful, sunny day with a temperatures in the upper 70's, since we need to keep the windows open as long as possible.  This will help everything dry and also reduce the paint smell (which by the way, I kind of like!)  The ceilings look great!

See what you think after you see today's pictures:

View from family room.
Very white!  The walls will change color, but we're not sure what color they will be yet.
The ceilings will remain white.

View from former dining room.

North wall of the kitchen.
Also, a little closer look at the ceiling.

The drop ceiling over the kitchen sink and breakfast/snack bar.
This picture provides a better look of the ceiling.

Up close and personal with the ceiling!

They start on the floors tomorrow!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Waiting! - Day 24

No new accomplishments today, just waiting for some of the dry wall mud to dry enough to work on the next step!

Tim is using the weekend to get as many of the remaining squeaks out of the floor as possible! Believe me this is quite a task!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

More Dry Wall Work - Day 23

The corners of the dry walls were completed today.  They look very nice!  They also removed the plaster texturing from the ceiling in the family room and put a new coat of plaster on it.  This will make it fairly smooth so they can texture all the ceilings on the first floor the same.  That is what is scheduled for tomorrow!  This completes one more step in the dry wall process, each coat of plaster must dry before the next step can be done!

Today's pictures:

Nice crisp corner!

Corners of drop over the kitchen sink/breakfast/snack bar - also nice and smooth!

The family room ceiling is MUCH smoother than before!

Where the old family room ceiling connects to the new kitchen ceiling, and a little patching on the wall!

More tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 22 - More Progress

The dry wall is progressing!  They finished putting up the little bit of dry wall that was left from yesterday and taped it all today.  This is all a very necessary part of the process but doesn't change the looks of things too much.  However, the removal of the fireplace brick DID change the looks of things!  

Today's pictures are below:

Kitchen wall taped and mudded.

Inside new bathroom - insulation all covered up!

This is the angled wall from inside the bathroom.
Can you tell I really like the angled wall?

The big change for today - the fireplace (or lack thereof!)

The lovely white wrought iron railing is gone!
Can't wait to see it's replacement!
Had a fleeting thought of using it as a trellis in the garden, but... NO!

What will tomorrow bring?!?!?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Walls! - Day 21

We have walls!  The dry wall was ALMOST all installed today, just a little bit to go!  I know there is still a lot to do, but the walls really help to visualize the end result.   It is a little more dusty (yes, it is possible!) but once they tape, mud and sand the joints, the majority of the dust should be done.  This of course is based on my professional opinion!  The whole drywall process will be complete next Monday, so there are a few more days of bonding with the dry wallers (yes, I'm sure that is their technical name!)

Here are today's pictures!

View of kitchen from entry hall.
New bathroom wall is on the left.

Door to bathroom.
Angled wall that makes the entry feel more open.

New closet (a little blurry, but you get the idea!).

Insulation in the bathroom walls.
No people OUTSIDE the bathroom won't hear everything that is going on INSIDE  the bathroom!

View from family room to kitchen.
Very bright for the north side of the house,  even on a gloomy day and with one less window!

View from former dining room through kitchen to family room.
The drop to hide the plumbing looks good!  

View of bathroom (on left) and closet (on right) from the living room.
Can't wait to see what Scott has planned to replace that lovely white wrought iron railing!

Another view of the bathroom/closet from the living room.

Outlets on one kitchen wall!
Goodbye power strip!

View of entry from the kitchen.

More dry wall pictures tomorrow!  

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 20 - Outside Work - Done!

Yes, the kitchen remodel not only has hit all three levels of the inside of the house, it also moved to the outside!  Today the siding was installed to cover where the one kitchen window used to be!  They weren't able to EXACTLY match the siding, but came pretty darn close!  The difference is more visible in the picture than it appears to when looking at it.  I think the variations in the sun and shadows helps to minimize the difference when looking at it in person.  The sun should fade it some so in time it will be less obvious.  All in all, we are happy with it!

They also delivered dry wall today, so....
YES, that means we will have walls tomorrow (hopefully!)

Today's picture!

Used to be a window in the middle of these two!
The replacement siding is a little different shade, but...
The little white square above the window on the left is the vent for the bathroom.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Insulation - Day 19

The kitchen walls and pockets of ceiling/floor of second story were insulated today.  This should keep us comfy and cozy both in the winter and summer!  They also replaced some plywood floor in the dining room because it was torn up when removing the wood flooring that was there.  This will provide a nice level surface for the new floor!

Today's pictures!

Insulation in the kitchen walls.
The plumbing is insulated well - this should help reduce noise as well (maybe?).

Insulation in kitchen walls.
Much better than what was there before!

Another view of kitchen insulation.

New floor.  
No more chunks out of the plywood!

Halfway through!  (based on original timeline - we will see!)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Combined Days 17 and 18

No activity on Day 17.  On day 18 we passed two more inspections (electrical and HVAC)!!  The only picture for today is a picture of the vent for the exhaust fan for the first floor bathroom.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 16 - Preparing for the Next Step

The electrical work is done (for now!).   Looks like they cleaned up a bit and are getting ready to install the drywall.  The insulation in in the outside walls has to be completed before they start the drywall (that is my professional opinion anyway!).  

Today's pictures (again, compliments of Tim):

Wall between kitchen and living room.
Floor markings identify location of specific items once dry wall is in place.
Orange identifies wall studs and the blue arrows identify ductwork.

More floor markings in the new bathroom.  
The P is where plumbing is located.

Four can lights in the family room.  
The light bulb in the middle will be replaced with a ceiling fan without a light.

I don't expect much visible progress tomorrow but I may be surprised!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Electrical Work Day - Day 15

The electrician's were busy today!  They installed the new electrical panel, did wiring, and installed can lights.  The kitchen should be much brighter now!

Today's pictures are below (Photography credits go to Tim!)

New electrical panel.

Four can lights ove the kitchen sink and breakfast/snack bar.

Four can lights in kitchen.

View of kitchen can lights from entrance to kitchen.

Cans over entrance from garage service door to kitchen.

Can lights between closet and new bath entrances.

Light in entryway heading into kitchen.

Wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Day 14.5 - Yes, they worked on Saturday!

Just one task done on Saturday!  The kitchen window (formerly above the sink) was removed!  This is about where the stove/microwave will now go.

Only one picture!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 14 - Carpenter is at Work!

Looks like the bump outs and the drop ceiling are done!  Since I am in Tennessee this week Tim is taking pictures and I am writing the details long distance, we'll see how this works!

Bump out by breakfast/snack bar - hides plumbing.

Bump out closer to family room - hides ductwork.

Front view of bump out closer to family room.

A little closer view of bump out at breakfast/snack bar.

All ready for the drywall (I think!)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 13 - More Progress!

The dropped ceiling to hide the plumbing over the kitchen sink was built today.  Although the major reason for this drop is to hide the mass of plumbing, it will also house several can lights to brighten the sink and breakfast/snack bar.  It will be covered with drywall (pretty obvious, I know!) and have crown molding to match the kitchen cabinets to dress it up a bit.

Only a few pictures today!

View from entry hall.

View from kitchen.

View from entry hall - dropped ceiling and wall for breakfast/snack bar.

View from family room.

Up close and personal  - plumbing.

More to come!